Kidney Disease in Cats
– Your Ultimate Guide
The signs of feline kidney disease won’t always be obvious – with PrettyLitter, you can rest easy knowing you’re doing everything you can to protect your furry friend.
Understanding Cat
Kidney Disease

What is Cat Kidney Disease?
Your cat’s kidneys help him or her stay healthy by managing your cat’s blood pressure, stimulating red blood cell production, removing waste from the blood, and making important hormones. Kidney disease hinders these important functions and can negatively impact your cat’s wellbeing. Cat kidney disease takes form in two distinct ways:
Acute Renal Failure Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
How to Spot Kidney
Disease in Cats

Kidney failure—especially CDK, which develops slowly over time—is not always immediately detectable. But paying attention to the warning signs can help you gauge your kitty’s health along the way.
Some warning signs include:
What Causes Kidney
Disease in Cats?

The acute and chronic versions of kidney disease have drastically different causes, but both are the end result of damage to and dysfunction of the nephrons—the tiny tubes that comprise the kidney’s filtering system.
In Acute Renal Failure, the nephron damage happens very quickly due to ingestion of a poison or chemical, heart failure, bacterial infection, etc. The remaining healthy nephrons are unable to compensate for the sudden loss of function, which precipitates total kidney failure.
With Chronic Kidney Disease, on the other hand, the damage builds up slowly, until too many nephrons stop working and the kidneys lose function altogether. This is often the result of slowly developing conditions, such as an autoimmune disorder—in which a cat’s body attacks its own healthy organs— or kidney cysts—which slowly grow to destroy the tissue.
How to Prevent Kidney
Disease in Cats?

There are ways to help slow or mitigate the potential onset of this condition and keep your cat as healthy as possible for all nine lives:
Proper Diet
Feed your cat moisture-rich, balanced and healthy meals.
Supply your cat with a constant stream of fresh drinking water.
Healthy Lifestyle
Help your cat maintain a healthy weight to avoid obesity and diabetes, which can be linked to kidney failure.
Standard Check-Ups
Bring your kitty to the vet twice a year.
Stay Vigilant
Use PrettyLitter’s smart technology to check for blood and monitor your cat’s pH balance.
Frequently Asked
Cats with chronic kidney disease, on the other hand, can live long and happy lives if the disease is managed properly. The sooner you notice the signs, the better care you can take to slow their kidney failure and prolong their life—that’s why health-monitoring litter like PrettyLitter can make a world of difference.
Once your feline is showing Stage 3 clinical symptoms, they’ve likely sustained significant kidney damage—even then, they can still live for several happy years. Detecting the signs as early as possible is your best bet for extending your furry friend’s life.
- Supporting – Managing or eliminating pain.
- Slowing – Mitigating further progression of renal failure.
In consultation with your veterinarian, this care may include:
- A gradual transition to a healthy, balanced diet.
- Increased water intake, facilitated by constantly refilling water bowls or using a continually flowing pet fountain.
- Veterinarian-prescribed medications.
You can find kidney support cat food that consist of:
- Moderate dietary protein
- Low sodium and phosphorus content
- High omega-3 fatty acid levels
- Increased water content, readily available in canned food
- Acute renal failure may be reversible with early detection and aggressive intervention methods.
- Chronic kidney disease, unfortunately, has no cure But there are many effective treatments and lifestyle changes that can significantly prolong and improve your feline’s life.
- Older cats, age seven and onward
- Certain breeds, including Persian, Siamese, Ragdoll, and Maine Coon
- Cats with pre-existing health conditions such as cardiac diseases, hyperthyroidism, and diabetes.
Additional factors that can increase the chance of cat kidney disease include:
- Diets consisting of low potassium, or high phosphorus and protein.
- Acute renal injuries that damage the kidneys long-term.
See The Signs of Kidney Disease Sooner with PrettyLitter
When it comes to cat kidney disease, early detection is everything—it’s for reasons like this that we made PrettyLitter in the first place. Our color-changing smart technology alerts you to potential health issues, including the early symptoms of kidney failure.
Your fur baby deserves every advantage in the world — that starts with PrettyLitter.